Contact Melview in New Zealand

Your enquiry will be answered within 1 business day by a representative of BDT, New Zealand.

If you would prefer to speak directly to us please call 04 560 9100 during normal office hours.

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Black Diamond Technologies Limited OfficesExclusive distributors of Melview in New Zealand


Unit 1, 4 Walls Road, Penrose
PO Box 12726, Penrose, Auckland 1642
Phone (09) 526 9347, Fax (09) 526 9348


1 Parliament Street, Lower Hutt
PO Box 30772, Lower Hutt 5040
Phone (04) 560 9147, Fax (04) 560 9133


44 Halwyn Drive, Hornby
PO Box 16904, Hornby, Christchurch 8441
Phone (03) 341 2837, Fax (03) 341 2838